Aquattrox dot com. The Official Aquattrox Site

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The official home of Aquattrox, this archive hopes to adequately cover the game and it’s relatively young history, offering information on the sport and it’s rules, through to teams, Delphanns, and equipment such as Aclys.  Articles and news reports will hopefully be added regularly as the seasons (and no doubt violent controversies) progress and the large task of chronicling the current Grades, team positions, and results will be an undertaking for the future when this archive’s guardians have somewhat more time.

The guardian of this site would urge newcomers unfamiliar with Aquattrox to read the 'about' section to satisfy any immediate questions before proceeding through the rest of the archive.

Please note that any hate-post from supporters of the still disbanded and disgraced team, Invidia Nox, will not be tolerated and the City Guard will be notified of any such disgraceful activities.  While this archive is here to present as fair and unbiased approach as possible, Invidia Nox’s dark and violent history will be presented as just that - to be judged in the cold light of day as the blight upon the sport that it represented for so long.



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